Everyone needs a team. As a health coach, you can become an expert in multiple areas: nutrition, behavior change psychology, fitness and athletic performance, stress management and recovery, and more. However, no matter how many certifications you earn, you’ll invariably encounter clients with progress-blocking problems you don’t have the skills, training, expertise, or legal right to solve. Here’s the thing… You may...
So you’ve made the decision to start working out, but going to a gym seems intimidating or downright inconvenient to get to. I’ve designed two full-body workout routines to help get you started on your fitness journey. The best part?...
Walking lunges inspire dread among gym goers for one simple reason: They’re hard. But fitness pros love them because they get results. “I always enjoy the groans from clients when they realize walking lunges are on the menu for the day,” says Tom Biggart, DPT, CSCS, owner of EBM Fitness Solutions. While the move itself is easy to learn, walking...
Blind football, also known as 5-a-side football, is one of the most exhilarating and unique sports featured in the Paralympic Games. With its roots deeply embedded in the community of athletes with visual impairments, blind football has evolved into a highly competitive and skillful sport that captivates audiences worldwide. The Paris 2024 Paralympic Games will showcase this incredible sport...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Atqui eorum nihil est eius generis, ut sit in fine atque extrerno bonorum. Non autem hoc: igitur ne illud quidem. Atque haec coniunctio confusioque virtutum tamen a philosophis ratione quadam distinguitur. Utilitatis causa amicitia est quaesita. Sed emolumenta communia esse dicuntur, recte autem facta et peccata non habentur communia. Itaque his...

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